White Space (El Blanco's Archive)

-=[ --==ððKeeamen Taeðð==-- ]
  [ Date : 8/20/1994
  [ Original Format : Scream Tracker III
  [ Produced for : Terraformer
  [ Download : Org : MP3 : Ogg ]
               [x]   [x]   [-]
  [ Info ]

+[Samples]=== -- - --- - +

³  Lord Blanka the Black  ³
³          and      \ /   ³
³      Terraformer   ³    ³
³         prod.      ³    ³
³       presents          ³
³      Keeamen Tae        ³
³  Running Time Approx.   ³
³        2.33min          ³
³                         ³
³    (((In Stereo)))      ³
³          and            ³
³       surround          ³
³         where           ³
³       available         ³
³                         ³
³1994 Terraformer Prod.   ³

+-- - --- - - -- - --- - +